“When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Custom Gas Solutions Status Update – COVID-19 June 24, 2022
Custom Gas Solutions continues to take the threat of COVID infection seriously. While we now allow non-employees into the facility, we continue to practice social distancing and appropriate levels of facility hygiene. Mask wearing is optional but encouraged for those individuals who are concerned with infection or who have compromised immune response systems.
We will continue to support clients in all facets of our capabilities and, per normal, we are available through our website contact tabs, regular email channels, and by phone (919-220-2570).
Custom Gas Solutions Status Update – COVID-19 March 20, 2020
Custom Gas Solutions values the health and wellbeing of our employees and customers above all other concerns. However, we will continue operations to serve the needs of our clients and our country by observing COVID-19 guidance protocols issued by the CDC, WHO, and the NCDHHS. These protocols include repeated cleaning and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces, appropriate social distancing, strict guidelines for remaining home if symptoms of illness manifest, and extended sick leave coverage to minimize the financial impact.
Under the recently released Department of Homeland Security COVID-19 operations guidance documents, Custom Gas Solutions is classified as a Critical Infrastructure Operation
( https://www.cisa.gov/news/2020/03/19/cisa-releases-guidance-essential-critical-infrastructure-workers-during-covid-19 ) and we acknowledge that we have a special responsibility to remain open and operational during this difficult time.
In addition to our normal best operational practices, we will be implementing the following additional policies until further notice.
1) The Custom Gas Solutions facility will allow only CGS personnel, freight/parcel delivery and pickup persons, and critical maintenance contractors onsite. Visitors will not be permitted until further notice – pending the end of COVID-19 restrictions issued by state and federal agencies.
2) Any employee exhibiting symptoms of the COVID-19 virus will be provided paid sick leave until they are tested COVID-19 negative or are no longer symptomatic.
3) Office personnel not directly involved with the manufacturing and shipping operations will work from home to avoid any additional possible exposure to the virus.
We will remain available to support clients in all facets of our capabilities and, per normal, we are available through our website contact tabs, regular email channels, and by phone (919-220-2570).
Yours in Safety,
Stephen O. Vaughan, JD PhD
Custom Gas Solutions, LLC
Durham, NC 27704